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Table 7 Associations between MBQ-C reported physical activity and device-measured physical activity

From: Reliability and validity of rapid assessment tools for measuring 24-hour movement behaviours in children aged 0–5 years: the Movement Behaviour Questionnaire Baby (MBQ-B) and child (MBQ-C)


Mean Acceleration

Device-measured Total PA

Device-measured MVPA

MBQ-C Open (N = 61)

Spearman rho

 Active Play

0.33 *

0.25 *

0.37 *

 Energetic Play

0.36 *


0.39 *

MBQ-C Closed (N = 66)


 Active Play

0.30 *

0.27 *

0.30 *

 Energetic Play

0.32 *


0.35 *

Descriptive Statistics - Median (25th– 75th percentile)


MBQ-C Open (N = 61)

MBQ-C Closed (N = 66)

 MBQ-C Active Play (min/day)

240 (180–300)

167 (120–257)

 MBQ-C Energetic Play (min/day)

94 (60–163)

64 (39–105)

 Mean Acceleration (mg)

42.7 (33.3–48.7)

42.3 (34.2–50.9)

 Device Measured Total PA (min/day)

256 (220–295)

258 (225–293)

 Device Measured MVPA (min/day)

40 (29–60)

44 (34–51)

  1. N = 107 (N = 72 Group 1 and N = 35 Group 3) parent-dyads were sent an accelerometer (Day 0) and completed the MBQ-C Open on Day 7. Of the 107, N = 17 had missing data for the accelerometer assessment and the MBQ-C; N = 13 had missing or non-valid accelerometer data; N = 16 had missing or non-valid MBQ-C responses
  2. N = 108 (N = 72 Group 2 and N = 36 Group 4) parent-child dyads were sent an accelerometer (Day 0) and completed the MBQ-C Closed on Day 7. Of the 108, N = 11 had missing data for the accelerometer assessment and the MBQ-C; N = 25 had missing or non-valid accelerometer data; N = 16 had missing or non-valid MBQ-C responses