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Table 1 Characteristics of analysis sample at 16 months and 5 years

From: Parental feeding practices as a response to child appetitive traits in toddlerhood and early childhood: a discordant twin analysis of the Gemini cohort


Sample at 16 months

(n = 1858 families; 3716 children)

Sample at 5 years

(n = 1010 families; 2020 children)

Child characteristics

Mean (SD) or n (%)

Mean (SD) or n (%)

Sex (female)

1886 (50.8)

1037 (51.3)

Birth weight (kg)

2.47 (0.54)

2.46 (0.54)

Birth weight SDS

-0.55 (0.93)

-0.58 (0.92)

Age at questionnaire completion (twins)

15.81 (1.14)

5.15 (0.13)

Gestational age (weeks)

36.22 (2.46)

36.26 (2.44)

Early feeding method (mostly breastfed)

1654 (44.5)

984 (48.7)

Weight SDS at 16 months1

-0.08 (1.09)

-0.07 (1.08)

BMI-SDS at 5 years2


-0.23 (1.10)

Maternal characteristics

Maternal age at twins’ birth (years)

33.33 (5.04)

33.84 (4.75)

Appetitive traits, mean (SD)

Food responsiveness

2.27 (0.76)

2.37 (0.75)

Emotional overeating

1.65 (0.59)

1.57 (0.51)

Enjoyment of food

4.18 (0.62)

3.89 (0.68)

Satiety responsiveness

2.68 (0.62)

2.85 (0.62)

Slowness in eating

2.49 (0.65)

2.82 (0.77)

Food fussiness

2.18 (0.70)

2.77 (0.83)

Emotional undereating


2.68 (0.84)

Parental feeding practices, mean (SD)

Emotional feeding

2.05 (0.72)

1.70 (0.54)

Instrumental feeding

1.35 (0.47)

2.33 (0.63)

Pressure to eat

2.24 (0.73)

2.75 (0.67)


5.21 (1.25)

5.14 (1.10)

Covert restriction

3.07 (0.92)

2.98 (0.80)

Modelling of healthy eating

3.41 (0.84)

3.71 (0.72)

Encouragement to eat healthy foods

4.07 (0.61)

4.13 (0.53)

Parent control over meals/snacks

4.45 (0.48)

4.15 (0.44)


3.62 (1.02)

3.55 (0.91)

Appetitive traits

Number of pairs with a difference score > 0

n (% of sample)

16 months

5 years

Food responsiveness

731 (39.3)

487 (48.2)

Emotional overeating

194 (10.4)

123 (12.2)

Enjoyment of food

705 (37.9)

452 (44.8)

Satiety responsiveness

858 (46.2)

595 (58.9)

Slowness in eating

835 (44.9)

622 (61.6)

Food fussiness

918 (49.4)

644 (63.8)

Emotional undereating


274 (27.1)

Parental feeding practices

16 months

5 years

Emotional feeding

43 (2.3)

19 (1.9)

Instrumental feeding

51 (2.7)

61 (6.0)

Pressure to eat

355 (19.1)

324 (32.1)


36 (1.9)

36 (3.6)

Modelling of healthy eating

3 (0.2)

1 (0.1)

Covert restriction

5 (0.3)

5 (0.5)

Encouragement to eat healthy foods

13 (0.7)

37 (3.7)

Control over meals/snacks

19 (1.0)

25 (2.5)


6 (0.3)

14 (1.4)

  1. 1Missing data for 1653 children from 16 months sample, 820 children from 5 years sample.
  2. 2Missing data for 1261 children