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Table 1 Definition used for each stakeholder group

From: Factors related to the implementation and scale-up of physical activity interventions in Ireland: a qualitative study with policy makers, funders, researchers and practitioners

Stakeholder Group

Definition Used

Policy Maker (PM)*

Individuals involved in agenda setting, fund surveillance/monitoring, and high-level support and advocacy for physical activity participation at a political level

Funder (FU)

Those that are involved in the provision of funding to develop run and scale-up interventions for increasing physical activity

Service Coordinator (SC)

Those that oversee the running of the intervention. They may not directly engage with the participants but have knowledge of the development of such intervention and all the components included

Service Provider (SP)

Those involved with the delivery of an intervention and engage face-to-face with participants. This can include the following personnel: Sports Development Officer, Club/Group Coach, External Contractor, Volunteer, Health and Fitness Instructor, Clinician, Primary Care Personnel

Researcher (RE)

Individuals involved in research elements of the intervention, including pilot testing, feasibility trails, efficacy and/or effectiveness testing and evaluations

  1. Abbreviations used for each stakeholder group can be seen in the above table. *In some cases, depending on funding source, policy makers can also be seen as a funder