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Table 1 List of search terms and subject headings used in the systematic review

From: The association between the built environment and intervention-facilitated physical activity: a narrative systematic review


Neighbourhood built environment

Physical Activity




built environment*; physical environment*; objective environment*; environment*; design; urban form*; urban design*; neighborhood*; neighbourhood*; GIS; geographic information system*; open space*; greenspace*; green space*; pedestrian-friendly; walkability; walkable; bikeability; bikeable; cyclability; cyclable; park*; park; urban planning; street

physical activit*; exercis*; recreation*; leisure; sport*; bik*; bicycl*; cycling; jog*; run*; stroll*; walk*; active transport*; pedestrian*

Intervention*; campaign*; program*

Adult*; senior*; elderly

Subject headings**

Built environment; Environment design; Environmental planning; Neighborhood

Exercise; Recreation; Physical activity

Health promotion; Health program; Intervention study; Intervention studies

Aged; Adult; Male; Female; Older people

  1. *Different variations of the terms used in search
  2. **Subject headings were specific to the database searched and not all listed subject headings were available for all databases