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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of students participating in the Healthy High School study by intervention group. Values are percentages (numbers) unless stated otherwise

From: Effect of the multicomponent healthy high school intervention on meal frequency and eating habits among high school students in Denmark: a cluster randomized controlled trial


Imputed casesa

(N = 4755)

Characteristics of students


(n = 2222)


(n = 2355)


61.8 (1372)

64.1 (1541)

Age (years), mean (SD)

16.2 (0.9)

16.3 (1.2)

Parental Occupational Social Class

High social class (I + II)

47.6 (1057)

47.0 (1106)

Middle social class (III + IV)

34.0 (755)

34.0 (801)

Low social class (V)

12.9 (286)

12.9 (303)


5.6 (124)

6.2 (145)

Breakfast frequency

Daily intake Monday-Sunday

54.6 (1214)

54.0 (1272)

Daily intake Monday-Friday

67.9 (1508)

66.4 (1563)

Daily intake Saturday-Sunday

74.3 (1650)

75.9 (1787)

Lunch frequency

Daily intake Monday-Sunday

49.9 (1109)

51.7 (1218)

Daily intake Monday-Friday

74.2 (1649)

76.3 (1796)

Daily intake Saturday-Sunday

63.5 (1411)

62.2 (1464)

Daily intake of minimum 1 lc of water

69.8 (1550)

67.8 (1597)

Intake of fresh fruit at least twice a day

15.9 (353)

13.9 (328)

Intake of vegetables at least twice a day

15.5 (344)

14.3 (336)

  1. a Values are presented for imputed data set 1
  2. b Parents who are working, but with too vague information to be categorized into social class I to V
  3. c ≥ 4 glasses (one glass was estimated to contain 250 ml)