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Table 1 Data extraction scheme

From: Content validity and methodological considerations in ecological momentary assessment studies on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: a systematic review

1. Study and sample characteristics


The authors of the publication

 Publication year

The year in which the article was published

 Target population

The particular group of people that identified as the recipients of this study (demographic characteristics)

 Health domain

The health domain that the EMA study focusses on (Physical activity, sedentary behaviour)

 Type of study

e.g. observational, interventional, validation, feasibility

 Mean sample age

The mean age of participants in the sample of the EMA study

 % female

The percentage of women of the sample

2. Content validity

 Behaviour and correlates measured

Targeted variables measured by the EMA (e.g. activity type, activity duration, activity intensity, sitting time, number of sedentary breaks, mood, affect, intention, location, social company)

 Items reported

The specific items that were used to measure the target variables are reported (yes,no).

 Source of the items

The source of the items used in the EMA (e.g. pilot study with experts, pilot study with users, existing EMA questionnaire, existing non-EMA questionnaire, self-made)

 Content validation of the items

Indicated if (yes, no), and by what methods, content validity of the used items was assessed (e.g. cognitive interviews end-users, cognitive interviews experts, pilot study)

3. EMA methodology

a. EMA sampling approach

  Sampling type

The sampling strategy that is used to prompt and present the EMA questionnaire (e.g. time-based sampling, event-based sampling)

  Prompt frequency

Frequency of prompts per day. Break down by weekdays and weekend days if applicable

  Rationale prompt frequency

Rationale given for selecting a certain prompt frequency (e.g. variability and occurrence predictor/outcome, participant burden)

  Time selection

If using time-based sampling, indicate what type of schedule is used (e.g. fixed, random, semirandom (random with restrictions e.g. time interval))

  Monitoring period

The daily monitoring period, if applicable, difference between weekdays and weekend days

  Number of days

The number of days the study lasted, and how many weekdays versus weekend days

  Source to identify event

If event-based sampling, is the EMA self-initiated of device-initiated? (Self-initiated/Device-initiated)

  Event definition

If event-based sampling, the definition that is used to identify the targeted events

  Event training

If self-initiated event-based sampling, is it indicated if, and by what methods, training of participants to correctly identify events was provided?

  Each event

If event-based sampling, is each event a trigger for the EMA? If not, how many events?

b. Data input modalities


The device that was used to prompt, present the EMA questionnaire and take the answers of the participants (e.g. mobile phone, tablet, handheld, PC)

  Retrospective assessment period

The time window that participants had to reflect on during each EMA (now, right before the prompt, past amount of time (e.g. past hour), since the last entry)

  Order randomization

Are the items of the EMA questionnaire presented in a randomized order? (e.g. yes, no, branching)


Reminder after not immediately answering an EMA prompt. If so, number of reminders and timing.

  Prompt deactivation

Deactivation of the EMA prompt after a certain time. If so, timing of the deactivation (yes/no)

c. EMA completion

  Time to complete

Time needed to complete one EMA


The amount of time elapsed between prompt signal and answering of prompt


Number of diaries completed in bulk at the same time

  Completion rates

Total number of answered EMA prompts across all subjects and the average number of EMA prompts answered per person. Report compliance rate both by monitoring days and waves, if applicable.


Reward provided to participants of the EMA study. If yes, what incentive was provided?


Indicated if (yes, no), and by what methods, training of participants for EMA protocol was provided (if yes, e.g. test period (How long?), providing clear instructions, systematically going through the EMA items together)


Indicated if comprehensibility of the EMA protocol was tested? (yes, no)

If so, by what methods is comprehensibility tested?

(e.g. opportunities for questions, guided practice sessions, feedback consultation after test period)