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Table 1 Means, SDs, and Factor Loadings for Exploratory Factor Analysis using the Minimum Residuals procedure after Promax Rotation on Parental Self-Efficacy Items (n = 349)

From: Development and psychometric evaluation of a context-based parental self-efficacy instrument for healthy dietary and physical activity behaviors in preschool children

Parental self-efficacy items

Mean (SD)a

Factor loadings

Factor 1b

Factor 2

Factor 3

Factor 4

How confident are you that you can…

1. Prioritize spending money on purchasing healthy foods and beverages, instead on purchasing foods and beverages high in saturated fat or sugar?

8.59 (1.42)





2. Prioritize spending time on locating healthy foods and beverages for purchase when such products are not immediately available?

7.30 (1.87)





3. Prepare and serve healthy foods and beverages in an appetizing way?

8.39 (1.42)





4. Create a positive atmosphere when having meals with healthy choices?

8.21 (1.42)





5. Be a role model for your child about healthy eating and drinking?

8.51 (1.45)





How confident are you that you can get your child to eat healthy foods and drink healthy beverages…

6. When you yourself want to consume foods and beverages that are not healthy?

5.95 (2.53)





7. When your child wants to consume foods and beverages that are not healthy?

7.81 (1.52)





8. When you are tired, stressed, emotionally upset, or affected by daily hassles?

6.52 (1.85)





9. When your child is acting defiant?

7.16 (1.84)





10. When eating out?

5.53 (1.99)





11. When your child is having a friend over?

7.50 (1.71)





12. During holidays, on vacation, or in similar situations?

6.64 (1.81)





How confident are you that you can…

13. Prioritize spending money on purchasing toys, equipment, or the like, for use in physical activity, for example, a trampoline or skates?

8.70 (1.57)





14. Prioritize spending time on taking your child outdoors for physical activity, for example, to a playground or for cycling?

8.65 (1.43)





15. Arrange opportunities for your child to engage in different kinds of physical play or activities which he or she finds amusing?

8.68 (1.37)





16. Create a positive atmosphere when being physically active with your child?

8.71 (1.34)





17. Be a role model for your child about a physically active lifestyle, for example, by engaging in physical play, taking walks, or doing sports?

8.38 (1.65)





How confident are you that you can get your child to be physically active…

18. When you yourself want to be sedentary?

6.47 (2.10)





19. When your child wants to be sedentary, for example, play computer games or watch TV?

7.09 (1.71)





20. When you are tired, stressed, emotionally upset, or affected by daily hassles?

6.26 (1.86)





21. When your child is acting defiant?

6.23 (2.04)





22. Outdoors, when the weather is bad, for example, when it is rainy or cold?

6.52 (2.16)





23. When your child is having a friend over?

7.59 (1.70)





24. During holidays, on vacation, or in similar situations?

8.48 (1.55)





  1. Bold numbers indicate on what factor items loaded the highest. Items 6, 10, and 12 were excluded from the factor solution
  2. aItem response alternatives range from 0 to 10
  3. bFactor labels. Contextual circumstances that 1) Facilitate parental self-efficacy (PSE) for promoting healthy dietary behaviors in children; 2) Impede PSE for promoting healthy dietary behaviors in children; 3) Facilitate PSE for promoting healthy PA behaviors in children; and 4) Impede PSE for promoting healthy PA behaviors in children