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Table 10 The levels and grade of evidence scaling criteria applied to the articles.

From: A systematic review of the evidence for Canada's Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults

Level of Evidence


Level 1

   Randomized control trials without important limitations

Level 2

   • Randomized control trials with important limitations


   • Observational studies (non-randomized clinical trials or cohort studies) with overwhelming evidence

Level 3

Other observational studies (prospective cohort studies, case-control studies, case series)

Level 4

Inadequate or no data in population of interest


Anecdotal evidence or clinical experience

Grade of Evidence


Grade A

Strong recommendation (action can apply to most individuals in most circumstances)


   • Benefits clearly outweigh risks (or vice-versa)


   • Evidence is at Level 1, 2, or 3

Grade B

Weak recommendation (action may differ depending on individual's characteristics or other circumstances)


   • Unclear if benefits outweigh risks


   • Evidence is at Level 1, 2, or 3

Grade C

Consensus recommendation (alternative actions may be equally reasonable)


   • Unclear if benefits outweigh risks


   • Evidence is at Level 3 or 4