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Table 3 Multivariable-adjusted population attributable risk percent for all-cause and cause-specific mortality by specific combination of healthy lifestyle factors

From: Adherence to a healthy lifestyle and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Chinese adults: a 10-year prospective study of 0.5 million people


Non-smoking, being physically active, healthy dietary habits

+ Healthy body weight and fat

+ Non-excessive alcohol intake

All-cause mortality

32.2 (26.8, 37.4)

37.8 (32.4, 42.8)

38.5 (33.0, 43.8)

Cause-specific mortality

 Ischaemic heart disease

36.1 (21.8, 48.9)

43.2 (29.6, 55.2)


 Ischaemic stroke

43.7 (19.3, 62.9)

47.4 (23.0, 66.2)

47.9 (22.7, 67.0)

 Haemorrhagic stroke

35.7 (15.9, 52.7)

39.1 (19.4, 55.7)

40.5 (20.5, 57.3)


22.7 (13.2, 31.8)

24.6 (14.6, 34.2)

26.9 (16.7, 36.6)

 Respiratory diseases

32.7 (7.3, 54.2)

45.4 (23.0, 63.3)

45.8 (22.5, 64.1)

 Other causes

30.8 (20.2, 40.7)

36.2 (25.8, 45.8)

36.6 (25.8, 46.4)

  1. Multivariable model was adjusted for sex, education, marital status, family histories of heart attack, stroke or cancer (adjusted for in all-cause mortality and corresponding cause of death), and hip circumference. All five lifestyle factors were included simultaneously in the same model
  2. aThe PAR% of ischaemic heart disease for 5 factors was not available because the estimated relative risk for excessive alcohol intake had a negative coefficient