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Table 1 Participant characteristics

From: Describing the diurnal relationships between objectively measured mother and infant physical activity


Mean (SD) or Median (IQR) or n (%)

Infant factors

 Boys (n,%)

75 (53)

 Age (months)

11.7 (2.6–24.5)

 Infant BMI z-score

0.26 (1.67)

Physical activity

 Overall physical movement (mg)a

17 (5–64)

 Physical movement on weekdays (mg)

16 (5–63)

 Physical movement on weekend days (mg)

21 (5–67)

Developmental Stage

 Not yet mobile (n, %)

69 (49)

 Crawling (n, %)

30 (21)

 Walking (n, %)

43 (30)

Maternal factors

 Maternal age (years)

29 (6)

 BMI (kg/m2)

28.3 (7.4)

 Underweight (n, %)

7 (5)

 Normal Weight (n, %)

45 (32)

 Overweight/Obese (n, %)

90 (63)

 Infant is first child (n, %)

47 (33)

Physical activity

 Overall physical movement (mg)

33 (6–78)

 Physical movement on weekdays (mg)

31 (5–77)

 Physical movement on weekend days (mg)

37 (6–79)

  1. aMovement measures are median activity-related acceleration, summarised in 15-min intervals