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Table 3 Summary of the results on the importance of potential determinants and the strength of the evidence

From: Socio-cultural determinants of physical activity across the life course: a ‘Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity’ (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review


Children (age range or mean age < 12 years)

Adolescents (age range or mean age ≥ 12 to ≤18 years)

Children and adolescents (age range or mean age ≤ 18 years)

Adults (age range or mean age > 18 years)

potential determinant

evidence for an association with PA



A Home/Household


1. Family composition


 - Marital status (living with partner, yes vs. no)

-. Pe [31, 32, 35, 48]

-, Ls [35]

0, Ls [36, 45]

0, Lnc [33] [41]

 - Having siblings (number or yes vs. no)

0, Lnc [31, 32]


 - Having dogs (yes vs. no)

-, Lnc [32, 35]


 - Number of children in household (high vs. low; yes vs. no)

- -, Lnc [35]

- -, Lnc [35]


[41, 44]

 - Family demands (yes vs. no)


[28, 41, 44]

2. Significant others’ health status (impaired vs. not impaired)


 - Parental BMI/waist circumference

-, Ls [31, 32]


 - Maternal depression

++, Lsa [40]


3. Supportive behaviour from significant others (yes vs. no)


 - Encouragement from significant others

0, Ls [31,32,33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 46, 48]

0, Lnc [31, 33, 35, 43, 48]

+, Peb [29, 36, 39, 42, 50]

0, Lnc [49] [28, 41, 44]

 - Having a companion for PA (yes vs. no)

0, Lnc [31,32,33]

-, Ls [33, 47]

+, Peb [29, 39, 50]

0, Lnc [49]

 - Parental modeling

-, Pe [31, 32]


++, Lncb [42]


 - Parental watching (presence, observation)

-, Lnc [33, 46]


0, Lnc [29, 50]


4. Social norms (yes vs. no)


 - Awareness of PA

0, Ls [31,32,33, 35, 40]

0, Lnc [31, 33, 35]

- -, Lnc [29, 50]


 - Physician advices



 - Parental concern about the environment

++, Lnca [40]


 - Familial interaction and social influences

0, Lnc [32, 37, 46]

0, Ls [48]


5. Significant others’ PA (high vs. low)

0, Lnc [31,32,33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 46,47,48]

0, Lnc [31, 33, 35, 47, 48]

0, Ls [36, 39, 50]


6. Participation in organized sports (yes vs. no)

0, Ls [31, 32, 35, 37, 46]



7. Involvement of social contact (yes vs. no)

++, Lncb [32, 37]

- -, Ls [31]


0, Lnc [49] [41]

B Educational Institutions


1. Supportive behaviour at school (yes vs. no)


 - Encouragement at school

- -, Lnc [35]

0, Ls [35]


 - Teacher management (organization of activities)

- -, Lnc [43]


 - Teacher watching (presence, observation)

0, Lnc [43, 46]


2. Teacher specific educational level (yes vs. no)

++, Lncb [35]


3. PA level at school (teacher PA, high vs. low)

- -, Lnc [35]

-, Lnc [35]


C Neighbourhood


 1. Seeing people exercise (yes vs. no)


- -, Lnc [35]


0, Lnc [30, 49] [41]

 2. Society composition (young society, yes vs. no)

++, Lncb [32]

- -, Lnc [35]


 3. Social inclusion and acculturation (yes vs. no)

0, Lnc [32, 35]

0, Ls [35]


 4. Neighbourhood satisfaction (yes vs. no)

++, Lncb [35]

- -, Lnc [35]


-, Lnc [49]



D City/Municipality/Region/Country


 1. Cultural climate


[28, 44]

 2. Religion


[28, 41]

  1. BMI Body Mass Index, PA Physical Activity, Ce Convincing evidence, Pe Probable evidence, Ls Limited, suggestive evidence, Lnc Limited, non-conclusive evidence
  2. aNegative association
  3. bPositive association
  4. Italics: qualitative studies eligible results are not included in this grading of the evidence
  5. Bold: determinants with probable evidence discussed in manuscript