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Table 1 Descriptive and scale information of the activity-related parenting practice scales (N = 1694)

From: Bidirectional associations between activity-related parenting practices, and child physical activity, sedentary screen-based behavior and body mass index: a longitudinal analysis

Activity-related parenting practices

Cronbach’s alpha;

Mean (SD)


Age 5 years

Age 7 years

Restriction of sedentary behavior

 - I have to be sure that my child does not…

  * …watch too much television.

  * …play too many computer games.

 - If I did not guide or regulate my child’s activity behavior, (s)he would..

  * watch too much television or play too many computer games.

  * not get enough physical activity.

  * be sedentary a lot (or play without being physically active).

 - I intentionally keep my child away from the television or computer.


3.00 (0.76)


3.12 (0.75)

Stimulation to be active

 - If my child says “I don’t feel like walking or bicycling to there”, I try to get him/her to do this anyway.

 - I have to be careful that my child gets enough exercise.

 - I make sure that my child travels actively on foot or by bicycle (with or without me) as often as possible.


4.26 (0.65)


4.45 (0.53)

Monitoring activity

How much do you keep track of…

 - ..the amount of television your child watches and how many computer games (s)he plays?

 - ..the amount of physical activity your child has?


3.94 (0.79)


4.00 (0.67)

  1. The Corrected-Item Total Correlations for each of the items were above 0.30; The item ‘as a reward for good behavior, I put on a nice video/DVD/computer game for my child’ originally belonging to the scale labeled ‘restriction of sedentary behavior’ was already dropped prior to the analyses based on theory; response scale ranging from 1 (Completely disagree) to 5 (Completely agree) for ‘restriction of sedentary behavior’ and ‘stimulation to be active’, response scale ranging from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always) for ‘monitoring activity