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Table 2 Prevalence of achieving 150 min per week or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activitya, by sociodemographic characteristics and BMI status, among adults from Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2011

From: Accelerometer-based physical activity levels among Mexican adults and their relation with sociodemographic characteristics and BMI: a cross-sectional study


Total (unbouted) MVPA

MVPA within bouts of at least 10 minutesb


≥150 min per week

≥150 min per week

% (95 % confidence interval)

% (95 % confidence interval)


58.6 (54.0, 63.3)

13.9 (10.8, 17.0)




67.9 (61.5, 74.4)

19.5 (15.1, 23.9)


49.8 (43.4, 56.2)

8.6 (4.5, 12.8)



  ≤ 35 years

68.7 (61.2, 76.2)

16.2 (10.5, 22.0)

 35 < years ≤ 50

58.8 (51.9, 65.6)

11.9 (7.9, 15.9)

 50 < years ≤ 65

46.4 (39.0, 53.9)

13.9 (9.3, 18.6)



 Low (Q1)

68.1 (58.6, 77.6)

16.3 (10.9, 21.6)

 Medium (Q2)

60.6 (52.0, 69.1)

16.5 (8.6, 24.5)

 Medium-High (Q3)

52.6 (44.2, 60.9)

10.9 (7.9, 13.9)

 High (Q4)

48.3 (38.5, 58.0)

10.8 (3.1, 18.5)



  < High School

62.1 (55.5, 68.7)

12.9 (8.3, 17.5)

 High School

60.9 (54.0, 67.8)

14.5 (8.1, 20.9)

  > High School

52.3 (45.0, 59.6)

14.9 (10.3, 19.5)

Motor Vehicle Ownership



68.9 (62.3, 75.6)

20.8 (14.7, 26.9)


50.1 (44.7, 55.6)

8.2 (5.8, 10.6)

Marital Status



63.7 (53.4, 74.0)

19.7 (11.5, 27.9)


58.4 (52.2, 64.5)

13.1 (9.2, 16.9)


47.6 (32.8, 62.3)

4.9 (0.0, 13.0)

BMI Status


 BMI <25

56.8 (48.4, 65.2)

19.0 (12.5, 25.5)

 25 ≤ BMI <30

60.4 (54.6, 66.2)

12.0 (7.8, 16.3)

 BMI ≥ 30

57.9 (50.3, 65.5)

12.0 (6.8, 17.1)

  1. Prevalences are weighted for probability of selection and non-response by sex
  2. aCut-point (≥150 min per week) was selected to enhance comparability with reports from other countries/settings using this cut point for their accelerometer-based results; yet, these prevalences should not be interpreted as representing the proportion of the population meeting WHO recommendations for physical activity, which are based on studies relying on self-reported physical activity
  3. bMVPA-bouts are defined as having at least 10 min in duration, with ≥80 % corresponding to MVPA, and with each break below the threshold for MVPA (<1952 counts per minute) lasting 2 min maximum
  4. cBased on quartiles of individual SES index, constructed using centralized z-scores from a set of questions on household characteristics and assets per participant. The index excluded motor vehicle ownership and education
  5. dIncludes “living with someone”
  6. eIncludes “divorced” and “widower”