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Table 5 Multiple mediation analysis of the relationship between bedroom TVs and percent body fat in Canadian girls

From: Mediating role of television time, diet patterns, physical activity and sleep duration in the association between television in the bedroom and adiposity in 10 year-old children


Path a estimate (SE)

Path b estimate (SE)

Specific indirect effect ab (SE)a

Path ab BCA 95 % CIb

TV viewing

0.70 (0.24)*

0.83 (0.35)*

0.57 (0.34)

0.10, 1.52

Healthy diet score

−0.23 (0.18)

−0.69 (0.45)

0.14 (0.16)

−0.05, 0.65

Unhealthy diet score

0.26 (0.14)

0.14 (0.59)

0.02 (0.22)

−0.33, 0.63


−1.20 (3.6)

−0.02 (0.02)

0.04 (0.10)

−0.10, 0.38

Sleep duration

11.3 (9.0)

−0.01 (0.01)

−0.15 (0.17)

−0.65, 0.06

  1. Total effect (c) [estimate (SE)]: 2.84 (1.27), p = 0.03
  2. Direct effect (c’) [estimate (SE)]: 2.19 (1.27), p = 0.09
  3. Total indirect effect (∑ab) [estimate (SE); 95 % BCA CI]: 0.62 (0.45); −0.14, 1.69
  4. Adjusted R2 = 0.11, F = 3.03, p = 0.001
  5. Adjusted for age, ethnicity, total annual household income and highest level of parental education
  6. * p < 0.05
  7. aPath ab coefficients represent 5000 bootstrapped samples, bias-corrected and accelerated coefficients
  8. bEstimates of ab path are considered significant if the BCA 95 % CI does not cross zero
  9. SE, standard error; BCA 95 % CI, bias-corrected and accelerated 95 % confidence interval; MVPA, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
  10. N =328