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Table 4 Summary of statistically significant* perceived barriers identified in reviewed studies (n = 19)

From: Perceived barriers to children’s active commuting to school: a systematic review of empirical, methodological and theoretical evidence

Personal barriers (n = 6)**

Physical environment barriers (n = 18)

Social environment barriers (n = 10)

No time [56],[65]

Traffic safety (e.g., speed, volume) [32],[35],[44],[49],[50],[57],[58],[66]

Neighborhood safety [42],[44],[60]

Ease of dropping child off the way to work [42],[57]

Distance [34],[43],[56],[58],[66]

Stranger danger [64]

Heaviness of the child’s backpack [57],[64]

Freeway/highway/crosswalks [34],[38],[42],[64]

Crime/danger [58]

Child’s preference of being driven to school [56]

Road safety [30],[46]

Graffiti [39]

Walking as requiring too much planning ahead [42]

Bad weather [57],[64]

Worry child will take risk [56]


Busy street [38]

No other child to walk with [56]


No direct route [56]

No adults to walk with [56]


Lack of sidewalks [57]

Few children around [59]


No/insufficient lights or crossings [40],[59]

Getting lost [64]


Stray dogs [64]


Exhaust fume [64]


Personal safety [66]


Concern about something happening to child on the way [50]

  1. Note: *p < .05. **Number of studies that identified the categories of perceived barriers.